Holy Week in Saint Peter’s


12noon                Mass of Chrism

The Mass is concelebrated by Bishop Donal McKeown and Priests of the Diocese. The Sacred Oils are blessed and brought to all the Parishes for the Sacraments.           No 10am Mass today.



10am                    Morning Prayer


7.30pm                Mass of the Lord’s Supper

Remembering the beginning of Our Lord’s Passion, when He celebrated the Passover with the Apostles in the Upper Room. Afterwards He went to Gethsemane to pray in the garden. There will be silent prayer at the Altar of Repose until Compline at 10pm.


10pm                    Compline



10am                    Morning Prayer


3pm                       The Solemn Liturgy of the Passion

We gather at the exact hour of the death of Our Lord to venerate the Holy Cross by which He redeemed the world.


7pm                       Passion Play by the P7s of St Joseph’s Primary School

We join the children as they enact a powerful, and very moving, portrayal of the Crucifixion.


10pm                    The Office of Tenebrae

Also known as the Office of Darkness, a dramatic liturgy. Please do not bring young children to this liturgy.



10am                     Morning Prayer


9pm                       The Solemn Vigil of Easter

The greatest feast in the Church’s year; the blessing of the Paschal Fire, the readings from the ancient Prophecies, the blessing of the Easter Water, the Baptism and Confirmation of Adults and the First Mass of Easter. The Cathedral Choir will lead the singing.



The Day of the Lord’s Resurrection.


9am                       Mass

Bishop Donal McKeown will join us for this Mass.

11am                    Mass

The boys of Down & Connor Schola Cantorum will lead the singing.


All welcome to attend the Ceremonies in the Cathedral.