Fr Martin will celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation on Friday 10th February at 11am with the children of St Joseph’s & St Peter’s Primary Schools.

Please keep these young people of our parish in your prayers this week.

Prayer for Confirmation Candidates
God of all ages,
You send out your Spirit to touch the hearts of all people,
Look kindly on our candidates for Confirmation as they seek to hear your voice.
As they prepare for Confirmation this week,
we pray that you send your Spirit to enlighten,
guide, strengthen, console, and open their hearts
as they continue to seek a closer relationship with you.
Help them to truly know the deep and abiding love you have
for each of them and fill them with the joy of your presence
As our community prepares these children for Confirmation,
make us an instrument of your love,
Teach us to reverence what is holy in others
and to be patience with what we do not understand.
Deepen our faith and help us to pass it on by our example
We pray that you continue to guide and sustain us,
and teach us the Way of Love
We praise you through Christ our Lord