On the Feast of the Holy Trinity, Sunday 12th June, seven new members were admitted to the Down & Connor Schola Cantorum at Saint Peter’s Cathedral. The Schola Cantorum is a male voice choir, featuring boys from age 8 to 18, in the Cathedral parish.

The seven boys have completed a year of training with the Cathedral’s Director of Music, James McConnell, while taking part in many liturgies in the Cathedral.

There was huge praise for the boys for achieving this momentous step. Writing on Facebook, Raymond Lennon, a former organist and choirmaster at the Cathedral posted:

“Congratulations to the new boys; it’s wonderful to see the growth in quality as well as

quantity in this wonderful Schola. Well done to its Director James McConnell and to all

concerned in bringing this superb initiative forward. Deo Gratias.”

Some of the new boys took part in the first-ever Schola Summer School in August 2021 and it was such a success that the Summer School will run again this year from 8th – 12th August at St Dominic’s Grammar school. The guest tutor will be Matthew Reeve, musical director, composer and voice consultant from London, who works on a wide range of theatre and film projects across the UK and Europe.

For more information on the Schola Cantorum, please email schola@downandconnor.org